28" x 62" 4400$ Much of my outdoor time is spend along the shores of the Beaver River, being that my home and gallery lie nearby. It offers serene, picturesque views as it passes by towards nearby Georgian Bay. I love to explore and visit it in all 4 seasons, but my favourite might be when winter settles in. The limited palette seems to enhance the beauty and creates powerful compositions of value, shape and texture to explore with paint. When a soft snowfall, such as depicted here occurs, the quiet and peacefulness are almost otherworldly! 12" x 18" sold I never pass an old bank barn without at least a quick glance, and I am blessed to live in an area where there are plenty dotted along the backroads, my natural terrain. Winter is a time for most to be indoors, waiting for the next season to return outside. Meanwhile the rich, quiet scenes marked by falling snow such as this one fire my artistic intentions! 14" x 18" 625$ The knothole cottage, located just past Kilbear Provincial Park, has been the setting for many of my Georgian Bay paintings. I'm always tickled to return to the familiar ground, and am amazed as to how much the time of day and year, as well as water levels etc. can reimagine this wondrous place. Here is a smaller study, channeling a bit of Group of Seven in the approach. 40" x 46" 3600$ I have been fortunate over my life to have had family and friends that were sailors who agreed to take me onboard, despite my very inability to tie a proper knot! The sensation of the craft heeling over and being pushed along by the wind is one I will never tire of. It also triggers my deep appreciation for the grand vessels of yesteryear, imagining all the adventures encountered during their time on the water. The classic schooner is hard to beat for grace and poise, and in this painting, I have attempted to capture some of the magic felt in the presence of such magnificent vessels! 12" x 15" 575$
I can still recall my childhood bedroom from long ago and the numerous posters and images I decorated the wall with. A pic of a chipmunk, and one of a fox were among my favourites. While I appreciate all forms I wildlife I share my surroundings with, I have always held a special affinity for these creatures, going back to my earliest memories. Watching a fox go about his/her business, as depicted here, is never time wasted!
October 2024