'This piece is all about a careful combination of three major elements, namely; the car, the people, and the setting or scene, and how they fit and interact together. The elegant ladies' look over her shoulder back toward the sleek, striking automobile offers lots of possibilites as to her thoughts. I leave it open to interpretation by each viewer, what is yours? How long has this quiet scene sat undisturbed, weathering many seasons of sun, snow, wind and rain, gradually settling into the surroundings as to almost appear as conceived by nature itself. Disturbing this stoic solitude are two ravens; maybe they are only here for the briefest of moments, or perhaps they drop by on a daily visit, like two old timers that meet and converse in the park daily without fail? The area I call home is dominated by the river that winds through it on its way to the southern coast of Georgian Bay. I witness it every day, throughout the four seasons, and marvel at the endless virtual 'paintings' I am presented with. Can't image a time where the next dozen paintings I might consider not revealing themselves along this waterway.
October 2024