The Canadian Shield holds a limitless fascination for myself, as well as countless others, and this recent painting highlights the awe inspiring magnificence of that ancient rock. jutting out of the clear waters of Georgian Bay, this massive rock formation tells a story as old as time in its rugged texture. Of course, this scene was witnessed by canoe, the very best way to really explore and absorb these natural wonders! Not all dogs are friendly, and in some, we can see the connection to their wild forefathers quite clearly. With this piece, I close cropped in to maximize the impact of those intense eyes. One of the biggest paintings I have ever produced, the title of the painting 'Prey' describes the feeling one feels when falling under that stare! Memories of quiet summer days spent leisurely along some idyllic waterway sustain us through the long challenging seasons that pass before those cherished times return. I embarked on this piece in the middle of the long, cold transition from winter to spring, when the memory of summer seems fictional at best. A swimming dock and nearby hammock, although minor in the composition of this work, seem to call out in a most powerful way! Just west of town along a quiet country road runs this little nameless creek lined by a few wind weary cedar trees. Dried out by the ever-present westerly winds, their colour shifts from olive green to an almost rust red which set against the blues of the snow covered ground, makes for a striking winter scene.
October 2024