Revisiting the theme of strong female and classic auto with this new work. Much planning went into finding the right combination of figure, auto and background, to create an interesting combination of negative and positive shapes, strong and muted colours, and asymmetrical balance contribute towards a striking composition and thoughtful use of the canvas. I like the way the classic blue Bugatti directs your eye to the right while the female driver is pointed towards the opposite side of the frame. What is she looking back at, that's up to you to decide! for details re: size, faming and price, see 'New Works' under 'Artwork'. Memories of trips to a cottage are typically coloured with clear blue skies, sparkling water and brilliant colours wherever the eye falls. In truth, days spent on the lake are far more varied; overcast, greyish days with maybe a hint of rain in the air are just as common, and in my opinion, just as stimulating visually. Compositionally speaking, this painting is almost divided corner to corner and I especially like the strong negative space that is the sky, defining the trees on both sides of the narrows and balancing off the rich colours and textures that surround it. for details re: size, faming and price, see 'New Works' under 'Artwork'. A small study of the venerable coyote, loved and loathed throughout the land. As per usual, I am most draw to the composition of the piece, close cropping leading to strong, interesting negative shapes. Just last night, the local coyotes came to life somewhere after midnight and my sidekick Brownie excitedly replied to the call and reply with some barking of her own, always makes her day, or night! for details re: size, faming and price, see 'New Works' under 'Artwork'. For a painting to really be a success it needs to bring me to a place or a memory that left an favourable impression at some time. This piece based on a walk along the beautiful beach at Providence Bay, Manitoulin Island, seems to achieve that goal. A day of lively weather, where one would want at least a wind breaker on, the rollers endlessly breaking along the beach is a scene I could just spend a morning soaking in, hope others feel the same! for details re: size, faming and price, see 'New Works' under 'Artwork'. A smallish study based on a scene behind a home I once lived in. For a hay farmer, da few days of sunshine is hoped for after the crop is cut, drying out and waiting for the baler to bundle it all up. A balance of blue skies and heavy clouds against the greens and golds seems to work well here. for details re: size, faming and price, see 'New Works' under 'Artwork'. Another small study of a crow preparing to land ahead. Rather than locate the bird on the centre of the frame, I choose to back it up a bit to allow for imagined movement ahead into and beyond the composition. Something about crows and ravens just keep calling to the artist in me! for details re: size, faming and price, see 'New Works' under 'Artwork'.
October 2024