This is a long overdue announcement and update to share all the changes that have come about this fall with The Kilby Gallery as well as myself.
I have relocated the gallery up the street from my original space to what used to be bank building at the corner of Marsh St and Clark st in Clarksburg. My partner in this new venture is Jeff Gillmor, local metal fab genius. Together we have recreated the lovely well lit space into an inviting, entraining and intoxicating mix of original art and artisan goods provided by a small collection of professional artists to be known as the ArtBank Collective. Within the space, Jeff and I have seperate rooms to showcase our goods in addition to the main room; mine being the old bank managers' office and Jeff's', the vault room. Inside, my space is both a showroom of my available art as well as a working painters' studio. With it's lovely high ceilings and large luxurious windows, it is a great place to both create and display an assortment of my pieces. There is a website coming soon for the ArtBank Collective which will reveal more of what this special place is and is becoming! The process of moving and setting up the new business has been time consuming and involved, but we are getting close and I am able to get back to what I am supposed to be doing, namely creating artwork! I will put up some pics of the new place soon and show the exciting new home the Kilby Gallery has landed in!
October 2024